Telestack Mobile Ship-loaders critical to anticipated growth in Ukranian Grain Industry


Over the years Nibulon have invested heavily in the transshipment network throughout Ukraine and have strategic plans to further invest along the Dnipro River and along other rivers, fundamentally changing the logistics map of the Ukraine. The most recent of Nibulon’s river trans-shipment terminals was opened in Bilenke village (Zaporizhzhia region) which had a Telestack TS227 rail mounted shiploader installed as part of the transshipment process.

Telestack are one of the leading suppliers of grain handling equipment in the Ukraine. Since 2009 Telestack have supplied 27 units across the Ukraine region and their equipment is integral to the multi-billion dollar Ukrainian grain industry and can be found in various ports and river terminals throughout Ukraine.  Nibulon as one of the main customers has various new terminals on the Dnipro River in the Kamyanka-Dni-prov’ska, Dnipro and Grady’zk regions. This investment came from the growing export demands of Nibulon for Barley, wheat and Oilseeds, especially to Japan and Asia.

Case Study Highlights

  • Country / Region: Ukraine
  • End User: Nibulon
  • Product: 16 Telescopic Shiploaders
  • Application: Shiploading
  • Material Type: Grain
  • Tonnage: Up to 5000 tph
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